Myths About Potty Training Revealed

Potty training…just the word is enough to make even the staunchest of parents cringe. Potty training has long been one of the hardest task that you will have to face as a parent. There are many myths associated with training your little one to use the potty, but never fear, the Potty Training In 3 Days website is there to dispel those myths for you, and hopefully get you on the road to not changing dirty diapers for the rest of your life. Read below to find out what myths are completely false.

Sitting Your Child on the Potty

Just sitting your child on the potty and telling them to go to the bathroom has never worked, and it probably never will. This only confuses the child, they may go to the bathroom in the potty if they happen to be on it when they have to go. However, if they are in their diaper and have to go, they will still go there too. Just sitting your child on the potty doesn’t give them direction and often times children feel like it is a punishment of sorts.

Daycare will help

Daycare will not help you to potty train your little one. As a matter of fact, most daycares today require that your child be potty trained before they will admit them, especially if they are starting preschool. Usually the daycares that do offer to help use the same approach with every child, and that will also confuse them.

Boys are harder to Train than Girls

This is one of the oldest myths of all times. The myth probably stems from the fact that some mothers are more comfortable training girls, and mothers do the potty training 90 percent of the time. There is no difference between potty training boys and girls, they both can be taught the same way.

A Time of Conflict

Many people will tell you that potty training is a severe time of conflict for a parent and their child. This is simply not true; if you make potty training fun, then your child will not get upset by it. Make potty training a game and always reward your child for doing the right thing. Make a sticker chart and when they get a certain amount of stickers for using the potty, give them a reward. Potty training doesn’t have to be hard, just go to for more information.

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